Useful Websites
National Curriculum for Maths in KS1 and KS2
Times Table Rockstars: Children have an individual log-in.
Numbots: Children’s TTRS Log in also works on this website to allow them to practise counting, subitising and mental addition and subtraction.
Top Marks Education: This has a number of maths games for cross key phase objectives including; Shape Patterns, Hit the Button, Measuring in CMs and Subtraction Grids.
Family Numeracy Parent Toolkit has a wealth of tips, activities for children and advice for parents.
Nrich: A range of maths games, problems and articles on all areas of maths. Parents of Key Stage 1 children should select ‘Stage 1’ and parents of Key Stage 2 children should select ‘Stage 2’.
My Mini Maths: A website with daily activities for Years 3 to 6. In addition there is daily practise questions to prepare Year 4 children for the Multiplication Tables Check.
Maths Frame: Huge array of activities and teaching tools includes the Multiplication Table Check Emulator for Year 4.
Big Maths: Find out more about the CLIC approach used to inform mental and oral starters at Shiremoor Primary School.
Find out about the Characters and Phrases used to help learning stick.
Doodle Maths for Year 6 children.