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Shiremoor Voice Meeting Minutes


Minutes From Our Meeting



  • Presentation of badges and introductions
  • Weekly tasks, including our weekly award which is based on ‘Skills Builder’ skills, focusing on a new skill each week. Year 6 will ensure each class gets a fresh certificate each week, will collect them in on Fridays and will announce the awards in Monday’s assembly.
  • The council voted on priorities for improvements suggested by North

Tyneside’s Children’s Participation & Advocacy/Social Inclusion. The council voted that Poverty was the area of improvement they would like to focus on.



  • We are going to hold a poster competition to discourage people from vaping and smoking near school grounds. The winning posters will be laminated and displayed outside on the school gates. Can you design the best poster? Closing date will be the 8th December.
  • We are planning a charity day on December 15th where we will be asking children to bring in spare change to add to a wellie. Money raised will go to our chosen charity – Huntington’s Disease Association. 



  • We are planning a charity day on June 14th where we will be asking children to bring in any spare change to fill a wellie. Which class will produce posters to advertise the day?
  • Uniform – what is correct uniform?
  • Footballs and how many footballs should be outside.
  • Ideas for outside areas/sports leader equipment.

Tasks for Summer 1:

  • 1/ Hold a class vote to decide which charity you would most like to support. Choose from: Huntington’s/RNLI

Poster competition for all year groups with Shiremoor Voice deciding which poster from each year group wins.

  • 2/ Year 6 would like to organise an assembly to cover and encourage appropriate school uniform.
  • 3/ Discuss with classes the importance of being safe with footballs on the yard and try wherever possible to keep it to one ball per year group. Year 5 and 6 use a tournament timetable, which has been successful.


What we have discussed:

  • Welcome to our newly nominated Shiremoor Voice representatives.
  • Weekly jobs and responsibilities of the council.
  • Organisation of a questionnaire to find out how children across the school think we could improve break and lunch times.

Your tasks:

  • Discuss with your class how they think break times can be improved and bring the information along to the next meeting.
  • Carry out weekly jobs and responsibilities, including holding weekly skills nominations and organising nomination slips ready for assemblies.


  • What we have discussed:
  • Feedback from our last meeting
  • Any actions for this?
  • How can we, as a school, become more ‘green’? You are tasked with investigating ways we can make our school more sustainable. Meet with your class and bring your findings to our next meeting.
  • How can we advertise this new initiative?
  • Any other business.


  • We found that children across school would like more equipment, specifically giant blocks and similar resources to play with, more basketball hoops and possibly some swings! This is something we can consider for the future.
  • To advertise this new ‘greener’ initiative, we will organise a poster competition. Winning posters will be displayed across school. Competition to be announced in assembly on Monday 11th November. Closing date Monday 25th November.
  • Council members will investigate ways to make our school more sustainable.