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Oracy at Shiremoor

We want every child at Shiremoor Primary School to find their voice. Oracy develops pupils' confidence, articulacy and capacity to learn. Many of our pupils start early school life without the oracy skills relevant for their age. We strive to develop spoken language skills through the taught curriculum, the hidden curriculum, playtimes and lunchtimes, extra-curricular activities and the whole ethos of the school.

At Shiremoor Primary School our aim for oracy is to enable children to:  

  • Speak with confidence, clarity and eloquence.
  • Recognise the importance of listening and learn to be an active listener.
  • Be confident in the value of their own opinions and have the ability to express them.
  • Adapt their use of language for a range of different purposes and audiences, including using Standard English
  • Have a wide range of vocabulary that they are able to use for different purposes.
  • Sustain a logical argument, question, reason and respond to others appropriately.
  • Be open-minded, to respect the contribution of others and to take account of their views.
  • Share their learning in an engaging, informative way through presentations, showcases of learning, drama, poetry and debate (linking to our Big Questions across the curriculum).

We use the Oracy Frame work and Discussion Guidelines from the Voice 21 programme to model effective communication skills with our children.