Big Maths at Shiremoor
Big Maths is a Maths programme we use at Shiremoor Primary to support our children become numerate. CLIC lessons take place at the start of each Maths lesson for approximately 15 minutes. Once a week, children will complete their 'Beat That' and 'Learn Its' tests. Big Maths is split into two parts- CLIC and SAFE. CLIC is the core maths and SAFE explores wider aspects.
CLIC stands for:
C - Counting
L - Learn Its
I - It's Nothing New
C - Calculation
SAFE stands for:
S - Shape
A - Amounts
F - Fractions
E - Explaining Data
Please click on the images below to gain a better understanding of how we use Big Maths to support the teaching of Maths in Shiremoor Primary.
Children need to be confident counting forwards, backwards and in multiples. Additionally, they need to be fluent in reading and writing numbers in a variety of ways- standard, expanded and written form.
Home Tip
When counting at home with your child, count forwards, backwards and start at random numbers.
Learn Its
Children need to be confident with basic number facts. Learn Its focus on addition and multiplication facts. Instant recall for these facts is essential in supporting children with wider aspects of understanding Maths. Children need to be able to respond instantly to these questions:
Home Tip
Practise makes perfect with this area of our Big Maths. Focus on specific multiplication facts, counting in multiples then move on to instant recall of facts and in random order. For addition facts, make sure to focus on fact families too e.g.
9 + 5 = 14
5 + 9 = 14
14 - 9 = 5
14 - 5 = 9
This will help children to deepen their understanding of the number facts.
It is important children develop their fluency with recalling number facts so they don't rely on their fingers or other manipulatives to support them moving forward.
It's Nothing New
This is an important step. Children count objects- fruit, cars, bricks etc so they gain a better understanding that counting objects can be applied to more abstract numbers. In Big Maths, they focus on 6 'things' and 3 'things' is equal to 9 'things' and can then make links to 6 tens + 3 tens = 9tens or 90.
Home Tip
Count objects in your home or when out shopping or for a walk. Ask your child to combine 'things'. E.g. 4 sticks and 3 sticks makes 7 sticks so 4 tens + 3 tens = 7 tens (70). The learning can then move on to include different units such as 3cm + 4cm = 7cm.
This is all about developing fluency of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). These areas are a focus on the CLIC session and also the main part of the Maths lesson to ensure children have time to practise the concept. Children really need their 'Learn Its' knowledge for this step.
Home Tip
Practise recall of 'Learn Its' facts and apply to number sentences. Provide questions in different ways.
Please find examples of a Beat That and Learn It tests below.
Big Maths Approach
Please click on the links below to gain a better understanding of what Big Maths is and how we use it in school.